Het bestuur van de stichting "Able Men" bestaat uit de volgende personen:
The board of the foundation "Able Men" consists of the following persons:
Voorzitter/chairman: Charles Clement France
Secretaris/Secretary: Linda Betty Morrison
Penningmeester/Treasurer: Ruth Penya Owusu
Algemeen bestuurleden/General Board members: Diana Nyamekye Owusu en Roelof Krijtenburg

Message from Our Founder
Founder’s Profile
The day to day living conditions of people with disabilities in Ghana is one of the failings of the system and they have to continuously struggle to be able to make anything meaningful with their lives. Passing through the streets of Accra on a normal day, you will come across lots of disabled beggars on the shoulders of the streets begging for alms, with some having children. Unfortunately people still believe that disability is caused by witchcraft, evil spirits and taboos, and as a result people are afraid to help, due to the fear of being bewitched in the process of giving a helping hand.
While acknowledging the difficulties stated above, others feel reluctant to help because of the notion that persons with disability are lazy. Stichting Able Men believes that, given the same opportunity to persons with disability as the rest of the society, they will be willing to work and earn a decent living for themselves.
Stichting Able men is a non-governmental organization for persons with disabilities, founded by a Ghanaian born Netherlands citizen whose passion to see the disabled living more productive lives in the Ghanaian society has inspired this initiative. With that in mind, Stichting Able men assists and trains disabled persons with economic empowerment and entrepreneurial skills development to have productive lives.